Tuesday 13 October 2009

Fresh Fruit JCC

JCC oh My...

Always good...always mouthwatering...slurrrrp :p

This one ordered by Mrs. Ina for her husband's bday.

Black Forest

It's always confusing yet fun when the customer ordering a cake but rest the idea on me. Phewww :p

Anyhow, the ideas were come up at the very tight time. They always does! The more i am nervous, the more ideas emerge and fill my mind.

This black forest is kinda of the original one.

Monday 12 October 2009

From Ied Mubarak - 2009

It's been a while not taking care this lovely blog :p

I was busy and some boring, yet, Ramadhan is always been a merciful month, so had i grabbed this once a year - opportunity.

Cookies are always been also good business too! :)


Nastar Keong

Small Parcel

Flower Cookies

Strawberry and Cresent Cookies

Friday 17 April 2009

Various Cakes for Snack Box

Choose one you like most!

The tempting Japanese Cheesecake in cups

The Mouthwatering Fruit Pies

FIB CIna UI Snack Box

Gramedia Cikarang Office Snack Box

Cakes Parade

Happy Birthday Kids!

Friday 27 March 2009

Last Project

Alhamdulillah...there're always repeated orders from my customers...i sometime hardly believe in myself, that i could cook and bake :)

Double Chocolate Cake


Very Classic Black Forest

Sunday 15 March 2009

Weekend's Project

This was weekend's Project. I got 2 snack orders, consecutively, Thursday and Friday. Thursday was for Gramedia Publishing office in cikarang (100 boxes), while Friday was for Bumida Insurance Rawamangun Branch (90 boxes).

The cake is Eclair, Steamed Ketan Item Cake, and Amris. From i heard, they loved the Steamed Ketan Item; it has particular taste they commented:)

Happy Birthday Shula

Happy Birthday Athifa Shula Janssens

Wednesday 18 February 2009

Best Seller of this Month

Baked Macaroni is Best Seller of this month. The orders are for family size and individual one as well. It made me enough of it. I even could hardly eat it. My nose was full of smelling cheese and milk...yakkkssss :)

Anyway, i enjoy making it not eating it instead :)

Pinky White Black Forest

The birthday girl is Nabila. Her mother requested a pinky Black Forest. So, this is it. I avoided using dark chocolate to emerge the "pink" of the cake.

Happy Birthday little girl, hope you like the cake :)